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冰雨火 致敬缉毒警察是怎么回事

来源:互联网 2022-08-12 07:54:18实时热点10


本剧主要讲述了铁血英雄吴振峰和禁毒**陈宇兄弟二人牢记初心、不忘使命,携手并肩打进**分子内部结构,最终将毒贩一网打尽的故事。根据描绘禁毒**与毒贩互斗,冲出多重迷案,从个人到人群,为坚守正义无私奉献激情与与生命的故事,呈现人性的善与恶,向勇敢无畏的禁毒**致敬,向辛勤工作的平凡英雄致敬。 (肖娱)
















Pay tribute to every anti drug policeman Chengdu anti drug police died for the country when approving the arrest. He was only 35 years old. How serious was he? The life of monk rose is at stake. What is it? Pay homage to the courageous anti drug action? As the "focus" of the move, the "most beautiful drug addict" award ceremony in Guangzhou has pushed the "one to one" mobile to a climax. Among the 10 people, the fragments were ready to explode when facing each other in the abyss, putting private lives at risk. No matter what, they did not turn back and were fearless, fighting to the death with drug traffickers; The component part is to make poison criminals get proper punishment, be honest, improve, and highlight the fairness and justice of the law; Some focus on the social work of drug control, and never refuse to sponsor drug addicts; The footage has a long history, rooted in the grass-roots level and schools, carefully carried out poison prevention and gradually taught, and made great efforts to present light and heat to the cause of drug control On the anti drug front, the two of them bear in mind the important task, faithfully perform their duties, tenaciously work hard, and work hard to highlight the "most beautiful" heart of the most powerful anti drug workers. What do you think of the fact that the 35 year old anti drug police in Chengdu died in custody? Why is it so difficult for Yunnan drug control police officers to kill their sons? Caixiaodong, a 38 year old anti drug policeman in Yunnan, died in his job. Why did he sacrifice his life for justice? Pay tribute to the anti drug police. How dangerous are these anti drug police who are beyond their power to become popular? Among the numerous middle-level policemen, there is a police force at the rank of one-on-one on duty who is in danger. Even if the work of veteran policemen such as the anti drug police is at stake, they may not be famous for their work in the high and middle grades for decades. Even if they watch harmonious wives and children on the street, they will never recognize each other. If they are scared, their lives will be in danger if they are not careful. It is necessary to make connections. Generally, people involved in drugs are unsuccessful. Because drug-related crimes are even felonies, these people want to finally fight again after they are detected. Moreover, these people are very disgusted with the military police xiante, so they can be said to be desperate. Have any relatives of the wuliangtang aristocratic family ever heard of such an incident? That is, an anti drug policeman has been working for many years. He dare not even return home. Halfway through the journey, his family was assassinated because his daughter recognized him. The authenticity of this business occurs from time to time, highlighting the extra life and death of the anti drug police, which is a little higher than the property insurance grade of the regular police. However, there are a little details about the work inside, except that the authorities all know that every year there are anti drug policemen in the city who sacrifice their lives for justice. In order to protect the stability of ordinary people, these policemen let more people leave home to poison, and even gave their family"s happy lives. This kind of behavior is really touching. Poisons have a large number of murderers. We should keep away from poisons and tell the blood related institutions positively if we are aware of ghosts around us. The poison bait will leave hundreds of people in a mess. At the same time, it is difficult to quit after sticking it. At the beginning, a large group of young people never care about it. They all think that the poison bait is abundant or they are bewitched by others, so they become addicted to drugs. At the end, they do it all their lives. Poison baits have never been afraid of harming others or themselves, but I still have countless criminals in my mind who make huge profits from them, which is what these anti drug police are equipped with. We don"t know what the plot of the anti drug police is, and we don"t know the details of hundreds of them. However, we have seen several TV dramas, such as the TV drama "Yu sin" starring Zhang Yishan. In fact, even the story of the anti drug police is told. This film and television work was immediately like a fire. Zhang Yishan"s penetrating description of an anti drug policeman was greeted by a rich family. At the same time, it also made Zhu men deeply realize how the act of jealous patrolling and arresting could save the fire. These anti drug police are almost always in a medium state of safety. If they are not careful, they are likely to lose their lives and fall into the abyss of irreparable disaster. They are using human lives to maintain the security of the powerful, so they also hope that everyone can do what they can to match the actions of these police forces. They are about to leave their hometown. The subject arises spontaneously. The report at that time will never let these patrollers waste their money.



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